Showcase Pages

9 Up
The 9 Up showcase page is great when you have multiple high quality images for your project. These will be added into a Gallery that includes unlimited images (generally 9+ photos required per project). Unlimited text is also included at the top of this page.

3 Up
The 3 Up showcase page is designed to show projects that have 3-5 high quality images. These images will be displated in a 3 image Gallery. Unlimited text is also included on this page.

The Panels showcase page presents your project with a picture and text of your choice. You can place in a short description of the project or just simply the name, address, and project sprecs.

Big Picture
The Big Picture showcase page is perfect for high quality, large format photos. This is great for showing off the best project and giving viewers a full screen view.

The Combo showcase option is great for high resolution, large format horizontal and vertical photos. This option also has space to include optional text throughout.

The Magazine option is great for those with lots of written text or writing from an article or magazine piece. You also have the choice of mixing photos in throughout the writing.

1 Picture
The 1 Picture showcase page is best for those with small or low quality project photos along with a description and any other information.